Reece Phillips - Quarry Manager

Based at: Barton Quarry

In year 3 I have taken on more and more responsibilities, not just at the site at which I am based, but across the region.  Every day continues to be different and this, I feel, has helped me to develop very quickly.

Tasks that I could be involved with include chairing weekly or monthly meetings. Weekly meetings tend to be a review of the previous week as well as looking forward to the upcoming week in terms of production, near hit reporting, planning peoples work etc.  Monthly meetings are hour long discussions based more on safety and sustainability where employees have a chance to voice concerns or ideas.

I also complete our daily downtime report on a weekly basis which includes gathering production data for the week as well as fuel, electricity and water usage and inputting it onto a spreadsheet which helps to evaluate performance against key indicators.

Thermal imaging and guarding inspections are other tasks that I complete. Thermal imaging helps us to see which pieces of equipment are getting hotter which may indicate issues that can be investigated further on a maintenance day. Guarding inspections are vital to the continued safety performance of the site and helps to flag up any guards that are in need of repair.

We sample our sand on a daily basis.. This is recorded on a spreadsheet which I provide monthly to customers to show that we are taking steps to record and monitor our product.

Other general tasks include, planning maintenance days from our weekly maintenance meeting with employees from different areas of site. I also order fuel and spare parts when they are required and ensure that risk assessments, contractor packs and Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) data files are up to date.

Lately, I have taken a greater role in completing  the site monthly Profit & Loss account which has helped me to appreciate the value of planning ahead and balancing jobs that need to done with the finances that are available.